We handle the technical aspects of your production, so you can achieve your creative vision.
Let us streamline your workflow with precision, providing reliability from onset thru to post.
Provided LiveGrade DIT & Data Management
Main & second units
270+ days of shooting over 11 months
Gold Coast, Australia
Peacock / NBC Universal
Provided LiveGrade DIT & Data Management
Main & second units
22 weeks of shooting over 6 months
Gold Coast, Australia
Provided onset monitors, data management & produced dailies
12 weeks of shooting
Various locations around Queenstown
NZ Feature film
Provided onset monitors, data management & produced dailies
8 weeks of shooting
Various locations around Wellington, NZ
Video Assistant role
Looking after all monitors onset
Shooting 3D stereo on custom Sony cameras
Cabling for Engineering truck / 3D onset Theatre /
Simulcam & Stereographers stations
NZ Feature film
Provided data management and produced dailies
Also provided all playback monitors onset
Locations around Wellington, NZ
Provide custom video playback system
Shooting in 3D Stereo on Red Epic Cameras
Remote Mountain locations with Helicopter access
Mt Cook National Park, NZ
New Zealand VFX unit
Miniatures – explosion plate shots
For opening sequence of the film
DIR / DOP: Alex Funke
NZ Feature film
Provided data management and produced dailies
Also provided all playback monitors onset
Various locations around Wellington, NZ
Video playback operator
Providing Qtake and onset monitors
DIR: Taika Waitihi & Jermaine Clement
Locations around Wellington, NZ
Video playback operator
Provided Qtake Ppayback system
16 weeks shooting
Studios in Wellington, NZ
Plus locations in Hong Kong
Main and second units
Designed and built various Qtake systems for Park Road Post
3D Stereo shoot on Red Epic cameras
Qtake Playback operator for Second unit
DIR: Andy Serkis
DOP: Richard Bluck NZCS
DIR: Steven Spielberg & Peter Jackson
Shot at Weta FX motion capture studio
Facial data capture Technician role
Also assisted with set up of the playback system
Live link to LA based DIR
Seasons 2, 3 and 4
Provided data management and produced dailies
Also provided all onset monitors and recorders
Plus custom monitoring for police car rig
Apple TV+ series – VFX plate unit
Remote locations around New Zealand
Provided data management and dailies
Also provided live link to remote DIR for review and sign off
Contracted by Weta FX to build MoCap performance suits
For 6 month Vancouver, Canada shoot
30x fully custom suits made and delivered
Disneys Petes Dragon
Provided Qtake playback system and onset montors
Also provided LiveGrade DIT system
Video playback operator
Main and second units
Rough locations all over New Zealand
20+ days of vehicle rigs
Video playback operator
Location shoot around Sydney, Australia
8 weeks principal photography
DIR: Bruce Beresford
DOP: Peter James ACS
Main unit LiveGrade DIT
DIR: Peter Jackson
DP: Simon Raby
Provided LiveGrade DIT systems
For main and second units
Video playback assistant
My first time on a film set, this was my introduction to the film industry
Worked on second unit for 12 weeks of shooting
Attended the principal shoot wrap party
Really amazing experience…
Locations around Gold Coast, QLD
Provided Data wrangling and workflow support
Featured Russell Crowe and Hemsworth brothers
Provided onset playback monitors
Also data management and produced dailies
6 week location shoot around Wellington, NZ
DOP: Matt Henley
DIR: Welby Ings
DIR: James Cameron
DOP: Russell Carpenter ASC
LiveGrade DIT role
Main Unit – New Zealand
Provided DIT carts for main and second units
Shoot over 300+ days
Also helped design & build
multiple Qtake playback systems
Qtake Playback operator for second unit
3D Stereo shoot on Red Epic cameras
DIR: Andy Serkis
DOP: Richard Bluck
Designed and built various Qtake systems for Park Road Post
Screen GFX Technician / Art Department
Installation and operational work
Various studios around Auckland
Video playback operator – main unit
Provided Qtake playback system
Shot at Stone Street Studios, Wellington
DOP: Jules O’Loughlin ACS
DIR: Michael Dougherty
Working as onset DIT
VFX unit shooting miniatures
DIR / DOP: Alex Funke
Avalon Studios in Wellington
Custom camera system – Canon 1DX
Using motion control rigs
Shooting for 12 weeks
Video playback operator and onset DIT
NZ Feature film
Provided onset monitors, data management & produced dailies
7 weeks of shooting
Various locations around Wellington, NZ
Qtake Playback operator for second unit
3D Stereo shoot using Red Epic cameras
DIR Andy Serkis
DOP Richard Bluck
Designed and built various Qtake systems for Park Road Post
Video playback operator
Pre-viz unit during pre-production
Based at Fox Studios for 6 weeks, Sydney, Australia
DIR: Alex Proyez
Video playback role
Provided portable recorders & monitors
Drama shooting 2x cameras
Various locations around Wellington, NZ
Video playback operator
Provided Qtake playback system
NZ Locations unit, South Island
DIR: Ava Devernay
DOP: Tobias Schisstler
With Operah Winfery, Recce Witherspoon & Mindy Kailling
Onset DIT and video playback operator
Provided Qtake system and onset monitors
NZ feature film
Provided data management and produced dailies
Locations around Wellington and Taupo, NZ
Onset LiveGrade DIT role
Plus onset data manager
Provided LiveGrade DIT cart and data management station
20 week shoot at various locations around Brisbane, QLD, Australia
NZ Feature film
Provided data management and produced dailies
Also provided all onset playback monitors
Various locations around Wellington, NZ
Motion capture suit technician
Fabrication and construction of custom suits for performers.
Contracted by Weta FX to build MoCap suits
For 6 month shoot in Paris, France
25x full suits made
DIR: Luc Besson
Qtake playback operator role
Locations around Auckland, NZ
16 weeks principal photography
DOP: Thomas Newton Sigel, ASC
International press junket data management
Managing 12 cameras for visitors
Based in Wellington, NZ
Fast turn around delivery
Over the years we have contributed to many projects. See our extensive credit list here, with many examples not included due to NDA limitations. We get asked to work on custom and proof of concept shoots all the time.
Introducing the key members of our team….
Please contact us for detailed CV’s for any of our crew.
We have a wide network of local technicians who we collaborate with.
This allows us to be dynamic and adaptable for any job.
Nektar’s operations manager – Jason is an experienced DIT & skilled video operator. His extensive knowledge is available to solve any technical issue. Also a passionate mountain biker, a Screen Industry Guild member and a true digital guru. With his beard in the wind – Jason is the soul of NEKTAR.
Introducing Andre Willis – the newest digital ninja in the Nektar team. With more recent credits than most of us, Andre is an expert at managing media and handling unique workflow routines. His calm character and composure in every situation makes him an indispensable member of the NEKTAR team.
With a background in wireless video transmission, Martin is a talented DIT & video operator. He also has solid experience in motion capture within Weta FX, and is a qualified COC diver. A NZ Screen Industry Guild member, a black belt in Taekwondo and a native Frenchman, Martin is NEKTARs universal onset soldier.
Miramar, Wellington, New Zealand
Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia